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Hana's suitcase

Hana's suitcase

Auteur : Karen Levine

Auteur : Karen Levine

18,95 $


Numéro : 773929
Code à barre : 9781896764559
ISBN : 9781896764559
Catégorie : Cahiers scolaires / 1re secondaire / Anglais langue seconde
Éditeur : Second story
Année d'édition : 2002

Roman version papier. ----------------------------------------------------------- In March 2000, a suitcase arrived at a children's Holocaust education center in Tokyo, Japan from the Auschwitz museum in Germany. Fumiko Ishioka, the center's curator, was captivated by the writing on the outside that identified its owner: "Hana Brady, May 16, 1931, Waisenkind (the German word for orphan)." Children visiting the center were full of questions. Who was Hana Brady? Where did she come from? What was she like? What happened to her? Inspired by their curiosity and her own need to know, Fumiko began a year of detective work, scouring the world for clues. Her search led her from present-day Japan, Europe and North America back to 1938 Czechoslovakia to learn the story of Hana Brady, a fun-loving child with wonderful parents, a protective big brother, and a passion for ice skating, their happy life turned upside down by the invasion of the Nazis.

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Succursale de Gatineau

53 blvd. St-Raymond
Gatineau (QC) Canada J8Y 1R8

Téléphone : 819 595-2414
Télécopieur : 819 595-3672

Succursale d’Ottawa - Marché By

33 rue George
Ottawa (ON) Canada K1N 8W5

Téléphone : 613 241-6999
Télécopieur : 613 241-5680

Courriel : scolaire@librairiedusoleil.ca